Aht Urhgan Whitegate
(Aht Urhgan)Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-8), near the Chamber of Passage.
Aht Urhgan Whitegate
(Aht Urhgan)Home Point #1: (H-9), middle of the area at the fountain
Aht Urhgan Whitegate
(Aht Urhgan)Home Point #2: (L-9)
Aht Urhgan Whitegate
(Aht Urhgan)Home Point #3: (A). (F-6)
Aht Urhgan Whitegate
(Aht Urhgan)Home Point #4: (M). (F-10)
(Lumoria)Home Point #1: (H-4), near the Temenos zone.
(Lumoria)Home Point #2: (E-6), near the swirling vortex for Apollyon West.
(Lumoria)Home Point #3: (L-6), near the swirling vortex for Apollyon East.
Arrapago Reef
(Arrapago Islands)Arrapago Reef (H-11) map 1, next to the "main" zone to Caedarva Mire.
Attohwa Chasm
(Aragoneu)Home Point #1: (G-6), at the Boneyard Gully entrance
Aydeewa Subterrane
(Mamool Ja Savagelands)Aydeewa Subterrane (H-10) map 2, near a zone to Wajaom Woodlands.
Bastok Markets
(Bastok)Home Point #4: (H-8), near Goldsmithing guild
Bastok Markets
(Bastok)Home Point #1 (E): (E-10), at the South Gustaberg exit
Bastok Markets
(Bastok)Home Point #2 (A): (E-7), at the north side of the Auction House
Bastok Markets
(Bastok)Home Point #3 (M): (I-6), at the northern Residential Area entrance
Bastok Markets (S)
(The Gustaberg Front)Home Point #1: (F-9), same location as in the present
Bastok Markets (S)
(The Gustaberg Front)Bastok Markets (S) (G-4), near the zone to North Gustaberg (S).
Bastok Mines
(Bastok)Home Point #1 (A): (I-9), near the Auction House
Bastok Mines
(Bastok)Home Point #2 (M): (K-8), near the Residential Area
Bastok Mines
(Bastok)Home Point #3: (K-7), near Alchemy guild
Bastok Mines
(Bastok)Bastok Mines (I-9), near the South Gustaberg zone.
Batallia Downs
(Norvallen)Batallia Downs (H-5), near the Cavernous Maw.
Batallia Downs (S)
(The Norvallen Front)Batallia Downs (S) (F-9), near the zone to Jugner Forest (S).
(Derfland)Beadeaux (E-7), near the zone to Pashhow Marshlands.
Beaucedine Glacier
(Fauregandi)Beaucedine Glacier (H-9), near the regional outpost.
Beaucedine Glacier (S)
(The Fauregandi Front)Beaucedine Glacier (S) (G-7), near the zone to Xarcabard (S).
Behemoth's Dominion
(Qufim)Behemoth's Dominion (L-9), near the zone to Qufim Island.
Bhaflau Thickets
(Aht Urhgan)Home Point #1: (I-9), in the tunnel near the Jade Sepulcher exit
Bibiki Bay
(Kolshushu)Bibiki Bay (H-7), on the Sunset Docks.
Bostaunieux Oubliette
(Ronfaure)Bostaunieux Oubliette (I-6), at the point where you drop down from the first map after entering from Chateau d'Oraguille.
Buburimu Peninsula
(Kolshushu)Buburimu Peninsula (E-7), near the regional outpost.
Caedarva Mire
(Arrapago Islands)Home Point #1: (E-9), inside the tunnel near the entrance to Talacca Cove
Caedarva Mire
(Arrapago Islands)Caedarva Mire (G-6) map 2, on Dvucca Isle, near the spawn point for Experimental Lamia and the zone to Arrapago Reef.
Cape Teriggan
(Vollbow)Cape Teriggan (G-8), near the regional outpost.
Cape Teriggan
(Vollbow)Home Point #1: (F-5), at the entrance to the Cloister of Gales
Carpenters' Landing
(Norvallen)Carpenters' Landing (J-10), on the south landing dock.
Castle Oztroja
(Aragoneu)Castle Oztroja (F-8), near the zone to Meriphataud Mountains.
Castle Zvahl Baileys
(Valdeaunia)Castle Zvahl Baileys (J-8), near the zone to Xarcabard.
Castle Zvahl Baileys (S)
(The Valdeaunia Front)Castle Zvahl Baileys (S) (J-8), near the zone to Xarcabard (S).
Castle Zvahl Keep (S)
(The Valdeaunia Front)Home Point #1: (G-7) (Map 4), right outside the entrance to Throne Room (S)
Ceizak Battlegrounds
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: (H-6), at the Wildskeeper Reive battle entrance
Crawler's Nest
(Derfland)Crawler's Nest (M-8), near the "main" zone to Rolanberry Fields.
Crawlers' Nest (S)
(The Derfland Front)Crawlers' Nest (S) (M-8), near the "main" zone to Rolanberry Fields (S).
Dangruf Wadi
(Gustaberg)Dangruf Wadi (K-10), near the zone to South Gustaberg.
(Norvallen)Davoi (J-7), near the zone to Jugner Forest.
Den of Rancor
(Elshimo Uplands)Home Point #1: (E-4), bottom floor past the Unlit Lantern / Rancor Flame door next to Sacrificial Chamber entrance
Den of Rancor
(Elshimo Uplands)Home Point #2: (I-8), at the entrance to the Cloister of Tides
Dragon's Aery
(Li`Telor)Dragon's Aery (F-9), near the south zone to The Boyahda Tree.
East Ronfaure (S)
(The Ronfaure Front)East Ronfaure (S) (J-11), near the zone to Jugner Forest (S).
Eastern Adoulin
(Adoulin Isles)Eastern Adoulin (H-11), near the Mog House zone.
Eastern Adoulin
(Adoulin Isles)Home Point #1: (G-6), at the Yahse Hunting Grounds exit.
Eastern Adoulin
(Adoulin Isles)Home Point #2 (M): (H-10), between the Auction House and the Mog House
Eastern Altepa Desert
(Kuzotz)Eastern Altepa Desert (F-10), near the regional outpost.
(Fauregandi)Home Point #1: (K-8), top floor next to the Qu'Bia Arena entrance
(Fauregandi)Home Point #2: (I-5), bottom floor near the entrance to Cloister of Frost
Foret de Hennetiel
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: (F-10), at the Wildskeeper Reive battle entrance
Fort Ghelsba
(Ronfaure)Fort Ghelsba (F-8), near the zone to Ghelsba Outpost.
Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
(The Sarutabaruta Front)Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) (I-5), near the middle zone to Meriphataud Mountains (S).
Garlaige Citadel
(Aragoneu)Garlaige Citadel (G-7), near the "main" zone to Sauromugue Champaign.
Garlaige Citadel (S)
(The Aragoneu Front)Garlaige Citadel (S) (G-7), near the western zone to Sauromugue Champaign (S).
(Sarutabaruta)Home Point #1: (G-12), next to Balga's Dais entrance
(Sarutabaruta)Home Point #1: (G-7/8), by the entrance to Full Moon Fountain
Grand Palace of Hu`Xzoi
(Lumoria)Home Point #1: (H-8), near the Gate of the Gods Door.
Grauberg (S)
(The Gustaberg Front)Grauberg (S) (L-4), near the zone to Pashhow Marshlands (S).
Gusgen Mines
(Zulkheim)Gusgen Mines (H-9), near the zone to Konschtat Highlands.
Gustav Tunnel
(Vollbow)Gustav Tunnel (K-7), near the zone to Valkurm Dunes.
(Halvung)Halvung (N-5) map 1, next to the only zone to Bhaflau Thickets.
Ifrit`s Cauldron
(Elshimo Uplands)Home Point #1: (G-6), at the entrance to the Cloister of Flames
Ifrit`s Cauldron
(Elshimo Uplands)Ifrit's Cauldron (K-9) map 4, near the western zone to Yhoator Jungle.
Inner Horutoto Ruins
(Sarutabaruta)Inner Horutoto Ruins (I-7), near the "main" exit to East Sarutabaruta.
Jugner Forest
(Norvallen)Jugner Forest (I-8), near the regional outpost.
Jugner Forest (S)
(The Norvallen Front)Jugner Forest (S) (G-11), near the zone to La Vaule (S).
Kamihr Drifts
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: (I-7), at the Wildskeeper Reive battle entrance
(Elshimo Lowlands)Kazham (G-9), near the zone to Yuhtunga Jungle.
(Elshimo Lowlands)Home Point #1: (I-9), near Jakoh Wahcondalo's Residence
King Ranperre's Tomb
(Ronfaure)King Ranperre's Tomb (G-5), near the zone to East Ronfaure.
Konschtat Highlands
(Zulkheim)Konschtat Highlands (G-3), near the zone to Valkurm Dunes.
Korroloka Tunnel
(Gustaberg)Korroloka Tunnel (C-9), near the zone to Eastern Altepa Desert.
Kuftal Tunnel
(Vollbow)Kuftal Tunnel (H-9), near the zone to Western Altepa Desert.
La Theine Plateau
(Zulkheim)La Theine Plateau (M-8), near the zone to Jugner Forest.
Labyrinth of Onzozo
(Kolshushu)Labyrinth of Onzozo (G-11), near the zone to Buburimu Peninsula.
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: on your right when you enter.
Lower Delkfutt's Tower
(Qufim)Lower Delkfutt's Tower (H-10), near the zone to Qufim Island.
Lower Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #1 (E): (G-11), at the Rolanberry Fields exit
Lower Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #2 (M): (I-5), at the Guide Stone
Lufaise Meadows
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Lufaise Meadows (E-8), near the regional outpost.
(Mamool Ja Savagelands)Mamook (J-7), near the northwestern zone to Wajaom Woodlands.
Marjami Ravine
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: (H-7), at the Wildskeeper Reive battle entrance
Maze of Shakhrami
(Kolshushu)Maze of Shakhrami (C-9), near the zone to Tahrongi Canyon.
Meriphataud Mountains
(Aragoneu)Meriphataud Mountains (E-5), near the regional outpost.
Meriphataud Mountains (S)
(The Aragoneu Front)Meriphataud Mountains (S) (L-8), near the zone to Castle Oztroja (S).
(Bastok)Home Point #1: (I-8), next to the Presidential Aide's Office
(Bastok)Home Point #2: (F-8), near the Smithing guild
(Kolshushu)Home Point #1: (H-8), middle of town
Misareaux Coast
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Misareaux Coast (G-7), near the zone to Qufim Island.
Misareaux Coast
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Home Point #1: (G-5), near the waterfall and Sacrarium. Doubles as a quick way to get to Escha - Ru'Aun
Morimar Basalt Fields
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: (E-5), at the Wildskeeper Reive battle entrance
Mount Zhayolm
(Halvung)Home Point #1. (D-8), near the entrance to the Navukgo Execution Chamber
(Arrapago Islands)Home Point #1: (G-8), near the docks
(Arrapago Islands)Nashmau (G-8), next to the docks and the Home Point.
Newton Movalpolos
(Movalpolos)Home Point #1: (M-9), entrance to Mine Shaft #2716. Pay the goblin 2,000 gil to be teleported as long as you have done it before
(Elshimo Lowlands)Norg (H-9), near the zone to Sea Serpent Grotto.
(Elshimo Lowlands)Home Point #1: (H-9), by the Sea Serpent Grotto exit
(Elshimo Lowlands)Home Point #2 (A): (G-7), by the Nomad Moogles & Auction House
North Gustaberg
(Gustaberg)North Gustaberg (D-10), near the regional outpost.
North Gustaberg (S)
(The Gustaberg Front)North Gustaberg (S) (F-7), near the zone to Grauberg (S).
Northern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #1 (E): (E-8), near the West Ronfaure exit
Northern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #2: (J-7), near Chateau d'Oraguille entrance
Northern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Northern San d'Oria (E-8), near the West Ronfaure zone
Northern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #3 (M): (K-9), near the Residential Area and the Cathedral
Northern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #4: (F-5), between Smithing and Woodworking guilds
Oldton Movalpolos
(Movalpolos)Oldton Movalpolos (F-10), near the regional outpost.
Ordelle's Caves
(Zulkheim)Ordelle's Caves (G-3), near the "main" zone to La Theine Plateau.
Palborough Mines
(Gustaberg)Home Point #1: (H-10), next to the Waughroon Shrine entrance
Pashhow Marshlands
(Derfland)Pashhow Marshlands (K-6), near the regional outpost.
Pashhow Marshlands (S)
(The Derfland Front)Pashhow Marshlands (S) (E-7), near the zone to Beadeaux (S).
Phomiuna Aqueducts
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Phomiuna Aqueducts (J-10), near the zone to Tavnazian Safehold.
Port Bastok
(Bastok)Home Point #1 (E): (L-6), at the North Gustaberg exit
Port Bastok
(Bastok)Home Point #2 (M): (J-12), near the Residential Area
Port Bastok
(Bastok)Home Point #3: (E-6), outside of the Steaming Sheep Restaurant
Port Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #1 (E): (K-8), at the Sauromugue Champaign exit
Port Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #2 (M): (F-8), at the Guide Stone
Port San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #3 (A): (H-10), at the Auction House
Port San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #1: (H-8), close to the Airship dock, and the Rusty Anchor Pub
Port San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #2 (M): (J-9), near the Residential Area
Port Windurst
(Windurst)Home Point #1: (C-7), north of the Fishing Guild at the end of the dock
Port Windurst
(Windurst)Home Point #2 (E): (B-4), at the West Sarutabaruta exit
Port Windurst
(Windurst)Home Point #3 (M): (L-4), near the Residential Area
Port Windurst
(Windurst)Port Windurst (B-5), near the West Sarutabaruta zone.
(Fauregandi)Home Point #1: (?-?), at the The Shrouded Maw entrance. (H-8) tower in the glacier, then go down the elevator after going in Red > Black > Red > Black > Red doors
Qufim Island
(Qufim)Qufim Island (G-6), near the regional outpost, outside of Lower Delkfutt's Tower.
Qufim Island
(Qufim)Home Point #1: (G-8), Near the Undulating Confluence, transportation to Escha - Zi'Tah
Quicksand Caves
(Kuzotz)Home Point #1: (D-5), outside of the Chamber of Oracles entrance and near the entrance from Western Altepa Desert at (D-12)
Quicksand Caves
(Kuzotz)Home Point #2: (C-8), at the entrance to the Cloister of Tremors
Ra`Kaznar Inner Court
(Ra`Kaznar)Home Point #1: (I-8), next to the Sinister Reign NPC and Ra'Kaznar Turris
(Kuzotz)Rabao (G-11), near the zone to Western Altepa Desert.
(Kuzotz)Home Point #1: (F-10), near the Western Altepa Desert exit
(Kuzotz)Home Point #2: (G-6), near the shops
Ranguemont Pass
(Fauregandi)Ranguemont Pass (F-11), near the zone to East Ronfaure.
Riverne - Site A01
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Home Point #1: (I-9), middle of the map
Riverne - Site B01
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Home Point #1: (E-8), near the Monarch Linn entrance
(Li`Telor)Ro'Maeve (H-6), near the north zone to Hall of the Gods.
Rolanberry Fields
(Derfland)Rolanberry Fields (G-6), near the Cavernous Maw.
Rolanberry Fields (S)
(The Derfland Front)Rolanberry Fields (S) (I-14), near the zone to Pashhow Marshlands (S).
Ru'Aun Gardens
(Tu`Lia)Ru'Aun Gardens (H-12), near the zone in point from Hall of the Gods.
Ru`Aun Gardens
(Tu`Lia)Home Point #4: (K-7), north east island, Ark Angel EV
Ru`Aun Gardens
(Tu`Lia)Home Point #5: (J-11), south east island, Ark Angel GK
Ru`Aun Gardens
(Tu`Lia)Home Point #1: (H-4), north island, Ark Angel HM
Ru`Aun Gardens
(Tu`Lia)Home Point #2: (F-10), south west island, Ark Angel TT
Ru`Aun Gardens
(Tu`Lia)Home Point #3: (E-7), north west island, Ark Angel MR
Ru`Lude Gardens
(Jeuno)Home Point #1: (H-8), between the Auction House and the Grand Duke Palace
Ru`Lude Gardens
(Jeuno)Home Point #2 (M): (I-9), near the Residential Area
Ru`Lude Gardens
(Jeuno)Home Point #3 (A): (F-9), at the Auction House
Ru`Lude Gardens
(Jeuno)Ru'Lude Gardens (I-10), near the Mog House.
(Tavnazian Archipelago)Sacrarium (E-7), near the zone to Misareaux Coast.
Sauromugue Champaign
(Aragoneu)Sauromugue Champaign (J-10), near the Cavernous Maw.
Sauromugue Champaign (S)
(The Aragoneu Front)Sauromugue Champaign (S) (K-11), near the zone to Meriphataud Mountains (S).
Sea Serpent Grotto
(Elshimo Lowlands)Sea Serpent Grotto (M-3), near the zone to Yuhtunga Jungle.
(Zulkheim)Home Point #1: (I-8), Between the Valkurm Dunes exit and Nomad Moogles
Southern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #1 (E): (G-10), Near West Ronfaure exit.
Southern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #2 (A): (J-9), between the Auction House and East Ronfaure exit
Southern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #3 (M): (M-5), Near the Dynamis - San d'Oria Trail Markings
Southern San d`Oria
(San d`Oria)Home Point #4: (E-8), near Leathercraft guild
Southern San d`Oria (S)
(The Ronfaure Front)Home Point #1: (G-10), same location as in the present
Southern San d`Oria (S)
(The Ronfaure Front)Southern San d'Oria (S) (K-10), near the zone to East Ronfaure (S).
Tahrongi Canyon
(Kolshushu)Tahrongi Canyon (G-4), near the zone to Meriphataud Mountains.
Tavnazian Safehold
(Tavnazia)Tavnazian Safehold (H-6), near the Misareaux Coast and Lufaise Meadows zones.
Tavnazian Safehold
(Tavnazia)Home Point #2: Tavnazian Safehold (H-8) (bottom level), near the exit to Sealion's Den
Tavnazian Safehold
(Tavnazia)Home Point #3: Tavnazian Safehold (J-7) (top level), useful for CoP storyline
Tavnazian Safehold
(Tavnazia)Home Point #1: (H/I-6), near the exits to Lufaise Meadows and Misareaux Coast
Temple of Uggalepih
(Elshimo Uplands)Temple of Uggalepih (F-6),near the "second zone" to Yhoator Jungle.
The Boyahda Tree
(Li`Telor)Home Point #1: (J-12), at the entrance to the Cloister of Storms
The Eldieme Necropolis
(Norvallen)The Eldieme Necropolis (J-9), near the "main" zone to Batallia Downs.
The Eldieme Necropolis (S)
(The Norvallen Front)The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-9), near the "main" zone to Batallia Downs (S).
The Garden of Ru`Hmet
(Lumoria)Home Point #1: (H-9), near the elevator
The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
(Li`Telor)The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah (H-9), near the regional outpost.
The Shrine of Ru`Avitau
(Tu`Lia)Home Point #1: (H-7), just outside the entrance to the Celestial Nexus.
Toraimarai Canal
(Sarutabaruta)Toraimarai Canal (F-5), near the exit to Inner Horutoto Ruins.
Uleguerand Range
(Valdeaunia)Home Point #4: (H-5), Entrance to Bearclaw Pinnacle. Drop down a hole in the (I-5) area clearing
Uleguerand Range
(Valdeaunia)Home Point #5: (G-9), Entrance to Bearclaw Pinnacle. Fall down the southern facing mountain side and land on the western ledge at the bottom. All the way at the back of this tunnel.
Uleguerand Range
(Valdeaunia)Home Point #1: (H-7), Entrance to Bearclaw Pinnacle. Path starting at (H-8) blocked by an ice wall during Snow (Element: Ice) and Blizzard (Element: IceElement: Ice) weather
Uleguerand Range
(Valdeaunia)Home Point #2: (J-9), Entrance to Bearclaw Pinnacle. Drop down a hole in the (J-9) area clearing
Uleguerand Range
(Valdeaunia)Home Point #3: (K-7), Entrance to Bearclaw Pinnacle. Drop down a hole in the (K-6) area clearing
Upper Delkfutt`s Tower
(Qufim)Home Point #1: (F-9), at the entrance to the Stellar Fulcrum
Upper Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #2 (M): (I-11), at the Guide Stone
Upper Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #3 (A): (G-9), outside of the Infirmary, at the Auction House
Upper Jeuno
(Jeuno)Home Point #1 (E): (F-5), at the Batallia Downs exit
Valkurm Dunes
(Zulkheim)Valkurm Dunes (H-7), near the regional outpost.
Valley of Sorrows
(Vollbow)Valley of Sorrows (F-8), near the "main" zone to Cape Teriggan.
Vunkerl Inlet (S)
(The Derfland Front)Vunkerl Inlet (S) (E-7), near the middle zone to Jugner Forest (S).
Wajaom Woodlands
(Mamool Ja Savagelands)Wajaom Woodlands (C-8), near the zone to Halvung.
West Ronfaure
(Ronfaure)West Ronfaure (G-9), near the regional outpost.
West Sarutabaruta
(Sarutabaruta)West Sarutabaruta (H-6), near the regional outpost.
West Sarutabaruta (S)
(The Sarutabaruta Front)West Sarutabaruta (S) (I-5), near the zone to Fort Karugo-Narugo (S).
Western Adoulin
(Adoulin Isles)Home Point #1 (A): (E-9), between the Pioneer's Coalition and Auction House
Western Adoulin
(Adoulin Isles)Home Point #2 (M): (H-12), just below the entrance to the Mog House
Western Altepa Desert
(Kuzotz)Western Altepa Desert (K-7), near the north zone to Eastern Altepa Desert.
Windurst Walls
(Windurst)Home Point #3 (A): (C-12), above the Auction House
Windurst Walls
(Windurst)Home Point #1: (F-7), across from Koru-Moru's Manor
Windurst Walls
(Windurst)Home Point #2 (M): (I-11), at the Residential Area
Windurst Waters
(Windurst)Home Point #1 (E): (G-7), north of the Optistery, near the West Sarutabaruta exit
Windurst Waters
(Windurst)Home Point #2 (M): (K-11), near the Residential Area
Windurst Waters
(Windurst)Home Point #3: (J-8), southern map outside of the Rhinostery
Windurst Waters
(Windurst)Home Point #4: (E-9), near the Cooking Guild
Windurst Waters (S)
(The Sarutabaruta Front)Home Point #1: (G-7), same location as in the present
Windurst Waters (S)
(The Sarutabaruta Front)Windurst Waters (S) (F-5), near the zone to West Sarutabaruta (S).
Windurst Woods
(Windurst)Home Point #4 (A): (J-12), on the Auction House
Windurst Woods
(Windurst)Home Point #5: (G-13), behind the Clothcraft Guild
Windurst Woods
(Windurst)Home Point #1: (H-9), behind the Manustery in the middle of the area
Windurst Woods
(Windurst)Home Point #2 (E): (K-10), at the East Sarutabaruta exit
Windurst Woods
(Windurst)Home Point #3 (M): (F-7), near the Residential Area
(Valdeaunia)Xarcabard (H-9), near the regional outpost.
Xarcabard (S)
(The Valdeaunia Front)Home Point #1: (H-9), near the Veridical Conflux
Yhoator Jungle
(Elshimo Uplands)Yhoator Jungle (I-8), near the regional outpost.
Yorcia Weald
(Eastern Ulbuka)Home Point #1: (E-9), at the Wildskeeper Reive battle entrance
Yughott Grotto
(Ronfaure)Home Point #1: (J-6), by the Horlais Peak entrance
Yuhtunga Jungle
(Elshimo Lowlands)Yuhtunga Jungle (G-11), near the regional outpost.
Zeruhn Mines
(Gustaberg)Zeruhn Mines (I-7), near the zone to Bastok Mines.